Religion & Worldviews
Religion & Worldviews
Religion and Worldviews teaching is underpinned by our whole school vision along with a focus on respect. The lessons open doors of opportunity for celebrating the features of and the differences in cultures and religions within the school context, the local area and the wider world. We aim to empower children to be curious, reflective and question what has been learnt in a respectful way. We teach and deliver Religion and Worldview lessons in creative ways and encourage children to share their views and ideas throughout sessions. By the end of the children’s school journey, they will have learnt about a range of the world’s main religions and worldviews, they will be able to compare and contrast religions and worldviews and make links between what they have learnt and their own experiences.
Parents and carers have the right to withdraw their child from all or part of the RW curriculum. If this is something that you would like to discuss further, please make an appointment with Mrs Jones through the school office.