Pupil Premium

Pupil Premium

These funds are designed to narrow the gap between pupils considered to be disadvantaged through low-income, and all other pupils, by addressing inequalities and targeting support at these pupils. Any pupil eligible for FSM at any time in the preceding 6 years also attracts Pupil Premium funding, as deprivation at earlier stages of education is perceived to impact upon learning and prior attainment, regardless of the current parental income situation.

All areas identified for action and strategy using the Pupil Premium funding are included as priorities in the School Development Plan. Priorities are informed by rigorous school self-evaluation. Future planning for Pupil Premium spending will be part of the annual evaluation process.

Pupil Premium funding represents a significant proportion of our budget and we are committed to ensuring it is spent to maximum effect.

Careful analysis of internal and external pupil level data, historical attainment and progress rates, and huge amount of qualitative data was undertaken to ensure these funds are used to maximum effect.

We have used research and publications including those from the Ofsted Good Practice Series, and findings of studies undertaken by the Sutton Trust to enable us to make decisions relating to provisions.

Our vision for all children. Yet we recognise that one of the biggest barriers for children can be poverty of expectation and so we are determined to create a climate that does not limit a child’s potential in any way.

We have high aspirations and ambitions for our children and we believe that no child should be left behind. We strongly believe that it is not about where you come from but your passion and thirst for knowledge, and your dedication and commitment to learning that make the difference between success and failure, and we are determined to ensure that our children are given every chance to exceed expectations.

‘Pupils achieve well and are all encouraged to do their best, irrespective of ability, disability, social background, ethnicity or gender.’

Inclusion Quality Mark 2014

Accreditations reflecting  our best practice include:

  • Artsmark
  • Healthy Schools Mark
  • IQM
  • Guild PSQM
  • KS1 Schools Game Mark Platinum
  • KS2 School Game Mark Platinum

Gained Flagship School status in 2017 and have held this award for 8 years

We recognise that the earlier we can support children the better their chances of closing the gap and this is why we have our own nursery provision. The school age range is 2 years and upwards. We prioritise our spending to catch pupils early and aim to narrow the gap in KS1.   

Healthy Schools
Sports Partnership Mark
Eco Schools
Arts Council England Gold Award
IQM Centre of Excellence
QiSS Award
Quality Mark
Investors in People
International School Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
Real Training
School Games Gold Award
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