Our School Governors
Co-opted Governor
Emma Collins
Co-opted Governor
Becca Elmer
Co-opted Governor
Tristan Koriya
Our School Governors
The Governing Board at Polegate is committed to doing all that it can to ensure that children here get the very best.
Governors are often referred to as “critical friends”, and our role is to support and question on all aspects of school life. We are involved in recruiting staff when the need arises. We also keep an eye on the school budget, the state of the building, and attendance & welfare as well as, most importantly, the curriculum. We work together as a team, sharing the load by dividing into small committees and coming together at regular Full Governing Body meetings.
Governing Boards represent all parts of the community: Parents, Teachers and Support Staff, Community Governors who represent local organisations and businesses, and some are appointed by the Childrens’ Services Department. We are all volunteers, but it is very satisfying to know that we are doing something worthwhile for the children.
Usually Governors are asked to sign up for four years, which means that we are on the lookout for new Governors from time to time. We advertise, when new parent governors are needed, in the school newsletter and have an election. The teachers and staff have their own election.
The governing board is made up of 9 governors which includes 2 parent governors, 2 staff governors ( 1 includes the headteacher), 4 Co-Opted governors and 1 Local Authority governor.
Contacting the Chair of Governors
The chair of governors can be contacted by Email:
Elizabeth Latter - e.latter@polegate.e-sussex.sch.uk
Rachel Baker - clerk.g@polegate.e-sussex.sch.uk
Our Governor Aims
‘They provide excellent levels of challenge alongside their strong support for the school, and share the clear vision for continuing the improvements to make the school even better. They ensure that safeguarding arrangements meet requirements.’ Ofsted 2014
We share the school’s vision and want to continue the rapid improvement this school has made.
The Governors’ focus areas for 2023-24
- To ensure that attainment at greater depth in maths matches the attainment in reading and writing.
- To raise attainment in writing across Key Stage 1.
- To raise attainment of boys in Key Stage 1.
- Ensure the building work does not have a detrimental effect on the standards or day to day operation of the school.
- Supporting our more able disadvantaged pupils to reach exceeding levels.
- Increase attendance figure (2015-2016 to 96.3%, 2016-2017 96.5%, 2017-2018 97% - NEW TARGET 97.5%).
- Increase attendance figures for Pupil Premium (2015-2016 to 93%, 2016-2017 93.28%, 2017-2018 94.02% - NEW TARGET 95%).
- Increase SEN attendance figures (2015-2016 to 93.9%, 2016-2017 95.1%, 2017-2018 96% - NEW TARGET 96.5%).
- Be an outward facing school, offering support to other providers to improve outcomes for all children through our Teaching School designation.
‘Governors have accurate views about the performance of the school, the quality of teaching and the issues that need to be tackled. They are given plenty of information by the headteacher and they verify this through their own activities, observing learning and talking to pupils, and parents and carers.’
Ofsted 2014
Governor Details 2024-2025
Click here to view the full Governor Details 2024-2025.
Number of employees whose gross annual salary is £100,000 or more = 0 members of staff