Our School PFA
Rachel Keen
PFA Chair
Welcome to the School PFA
Welcome to the website page for the PFA. All parents automatically belong to the ‘Parents and Friends Association (PFA). We hold meetings throughout the year whilst raising funds for the school and would welcome new ideas.
Supporting the Parents and Friends
Joining in activities – in addition to our own events we also support the school by providing refreshments at Open Days and evening events. All these activities are only possible with the help of volunteers.
Working to enhance the school environment – we have been carrying out numerous improvements around the school grounds such as redecorating the school’s entrance. Many projects are ongoing and again relies on the support of volunteers.
If any parent has a particular skill, talent or equipment that could be of use at future events please let us know.
Please contact the school office to find out more information or contact Rachel Keen or email pfa@polegate.e-sussex.sch.uk or follow us on facebook at pfapolegateprimaryschool.
The PFA are desperately short of helpers and members
- Are you in the enviable position of having some free time during the day when you could help with events?
- Do you work in the day but have free time in the evening or weekends?
- Could you help with any events and come along to our planning meetings?
- Are you a great organiser and could take over the role of Chairperson.
We need a dynamic committee of people with lots of ideas. Enough members are needed to make events possible even if you do not want to take the lead but are happy
to help out in any way.
Help could be in the form of being the organiser or helping out with photocopying, tea making, shopping, manning a stall, or just having an idea for fundraising.
If you can spare some time either as a helper or member please speak to Kerry in the office.
Last year the PFA funded:
- Lockers
- Sound system in the hall
- Photographic display boards in the school entrance
- Bookmarks and stickers to reward good learning
- The new website
- Bike shed
- Rejuvenation of Forest School area
- Forest school wet weather clothing
- Defibrillator