Our School Newsletters

We communicate on a regular basis with parents. Newsletters are sent out twice a term and are a chance not only to provide information but to celebrate some of the fantastic work going on in and around the school.

We are trying to reduce the amount of paper copies we send home which inevitably get lost in the bottom of book bags, never to be seen again! To avoid this we send out electronic copies of all letters and can send out text messages to parents as well. Please take advantage of this by providing the school office with your e-mail and mobile number. Not only is this so much better for the environment, it saves the school money but it also allows you to see the images in colour which looks so much better.

Healthy Schools
Sports Partnership Mark
Eco Schools
Arts Council England Gold Award
IQM Centre of Excellence
QiSS Award
Quality Mark
Investors in People
International School Award
Primary Science Quality Mark
Real Training
School Games Gold Award
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