Our School Clubs
We aim to provide a range of clubs during term time.
Whilst some may run throughout the year others may run for a specified time. We would encourage all pupils to participate and try the clubs on offer. Some of the clubs offered are organised by outside agencies and there may be a small fee for these such as Karate and gymnastics. We also benefit from a practising artist who leads a drawing skills club. Teachers have their own areas of expertise and interest and offer additional opportunities for pupils in these areas. At times we may select pupils for clubs based on their talents.
We do expect commitment from the children when they join a club. If they cannot attend it is their responsibility to notify the teacher running the club. If a child decides they do not want to continue with a club they should also tell the teacher to allow that space to be taken by another child as there is often a waiting list. We expect the same high standards of behaviour in clubs as we do in school and so we do make pupils aware that if their behaviour falls short of this they may lose their space and their parents will be notified.
An information pack about clubs on offer is sent out at the start of each term.
We are proud to offer an extensive range of after school clubs which include – football, Hockey, ICT, Cookery, Arts and Crafts and many more